Rabu, 12 September 2012

Tutorial Untuk Membuat RF Online 2.2.3 part 4

RF Online What Do You Need To Know ! (part3)
Typically between parts of a file in the RF is 8 bytes long (although some have, and 4)

seek(nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +8)   

This means that we missed the first part of the file (the count blokov1 * size bloka1 + 8 bytes free)
Be sure to specify a group for child
Just a child for the second part of the specified Offset from which part of the ETA will begin (the count blokov1 * size bloka1 8 free bytes + 8 bytes charge count blokov2 and size bloka2)
After the structure for the block Block1 write the structure for the block Block2

struct Block1
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
struct Block2
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
So we get the structure of the form


[filemask="Имя файла.dat"]
struct "Название"
u32 nBlocks1;
u32 nBlockSize1;
child Block1 [group="1",count=nBlocks1];
seek(nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +8)
u32 nBlocks2;
u32 nBlockSize2;
child Block2 [group="2",count=nBlocks2,offset=nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +16];
struct Block1
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
struct Block2
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
IV.Operator repeat
Also there operotor repeat-he repeats this block a few times


repeat 7
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
And we shall see in Dateditor that he repeated 7 times
Åòî comfortable when we see that the same is repeated many times (eg Store, StoreList etc.) and that the structure was easier to read we can use this operator 
http://depositfiles.com/files/jv4kwa26i (GMP V1.0) all gm command

READ MORE - Tutorial Untuk Membuat RF Online 2.2.3 part 4
RF Online What Do You Need To Know ! (part3)
Typically between parts of a file in the RF is 8 bytes long (although some have, and 4)

seek(nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +8)   

This means that we missed the first part of the file (the count blokov1 * size bloka1 + 8 bytes free)
Be sure to specify a group for child
Just a child for the second part of the specified Offset from which part of the ETA will begin (the count blokov1 * size bloka1 8 free bytes + 8 bytes charge count blokov2 and size bloka2)
After the structure for the block Block1 write the structure for the block Block2

struct Block1
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
struct Block2
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
So we get the structure of the form


[filemask="Имя файла.dat"]
struct "Название"
u32 nBlocks1;
u32 nBlockSize1;
child Block1 [group="1",count=nBlocks1];
seek(nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +8)
u32 nBlocks2;
u32 nBlockSize2;
child Block2 [group="2",count=nBlocks2,offset=nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +16];
struct Block1
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
struct Block2
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
IV.Operator repeat
Also there operotor repeat-he repeats this block a few times


repeat 7
u32 [tag="----"] DWORD;
And we shall see in Dateditor that he repeated 7 times
Åòî comfortable when we see that the same is repeated many times (eg Store, StoreList etc.) and that the structure was easier to read we can use this operator 
http://depositfiles.com/files/jv4kwa26i (GMP V1.0) all gm command


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